The HKAGE operate under a membership system. Gifted students aged 10-18, currently studying in schools in Hong Kong, can apply for membership through different channels (please see below for details). All registered members can enjoy most of the services from the HKAGE free of charge.
Want to become a member of the HKAGE? Are you:
- A gifted student aged 10-18 currently studying in schools in Hong Kong?
- Nominated by the school or self-nominated?
- A winner of any of the designated competitions/scholarships/projects?
- A graduate of EDB’s Web-based Learning Courses?
Selection Criteria
The selection of applications for HKAGE members is based on Dr Joseph Renzulli’s Three-Ring Conception of Giftedness, taking into consideration whether the student could benefit from the HKAGE programme provision.
- Above Average Abilities:
- General abilities: processing information, integrating experiences, and abstract thinking.
- Specific abilities: the capacity to acquire knowledge and perform in an activity.
- Creativity:
- Fluency, flexibility, and originality of thought, openness to experience, sensitivity to stimulations, and a willingness to take risks.
- Task Commitment:
- Perseverance, endurance, hard work, self-confidence, perceptiveness and a special fascination with a special subject.

Four admission channels to become a member of the HKAGE:
1. School Nomination
2. Parent Nomination
3. Nurturing the Gifted Scheme
4. Web-based Learning Courses (jointly administered by the EDB and the HKAGE)
Update Date:2025-02-03